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How to install Icypeas node on n8n

The following tutorial works both for n8n cloud and n8n 'on premises'. ‍Some workflows are proposed by our services, in .json file format and with a template :

  • I. Email verification (single search)
  • II. Domain search (single search)
  • III. Email search (single search)
  • IV. Batch processing of emails searches, domains, and email verifications (bulk search)
  • V. Real-time listening and processing of search results

To get started working with the nodes, we assume that you already have access to the n8n tool. Once you are in your workspace, you need to import the workflow you want to work on.

This can be done by clicking on : > Import from file > Select the saved file.
Or you can just copy the template and paste it in your workflow.

I. Email verification (single search)

This workflow is dedicated to email verification.

Import this .json file :


Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:

N8n canva after import

‍A. The node named « Code » allows you to manage authentication.

You need to implement three informations:

  • The API key
  • The API Secret
  • The User ID‍

To retrieve those informations, go to the user profile in the Icypeas application. After logging in:

Click on the profile icon > Select "Your Profile" > Go to the "API" section > Click on the "Enable

API Access" button.

‍‍‍In order to modify this node and implement your informations:

1) Double-click on the node Code

2) Put The API key, the API Secret, and the User ID in quotation marks (please be careful, DO NOT remove them like in the image and do not change any other line of the code).

‍3) Click on Execute node to save your information.

If everything is correct, a pop-up saying « Node executed successfully » will appear at the bottom right of the page. And back to the canvas, this is what you should obtain :‍

‍B. Finally, "Run email verification (single)" node should also be modified in order to verify the email :

1) Double-click on the node Run email verification (single).

2) You need to create credentials in the HTTP Request node :

➔ In the Credential for Header Auth, click on - Create new Credential -.

➔ In the Name section, write “Authorization”

➔ In the Value section, select expression (located just above the field on the right when you hover on top of it) and write {{ $json.api.key + ':' + $json.api.signature }} .

➔ Then click on “Save” to save the changes.‍

‍‍3) If you want to verify the email :

➔ go to the Body Parameters section,

➔ create a new parameter,

➔ enter "email" in the Name field.

➔ put the email you want to verify in the Value field.‍

‍4) Click on Execute node to save your information.If everything is green and ready, click on Execute workflow to run the entire workflow :‍

‍« Workflow executed successfully » should appear at the bottom right of the screen.

If you return to your application :
https://app.icypeas.com/bo/singlesearch?task=email-verification , you can find your results on your Search History.

Other types of single searches exist, and the process will be quite similar.‍

II. Domain search (single search)‍

This workflow is dedicated to domain search.

Import this .json file :

Or copy this template :

Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:‍

Put the domain/company you want to search in the Value field. Once executed, if you return to your application : https://app.icypeas.com/bo/singlesearch?task=domain-search , you can find your results on your Search History.

‍III. Email search (single search)‍

This workflow is dedicated to email search.

Import this .json file :

Or copy this template :

Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:‍

‍‍Repeat all the steps of the Single search (email verification), but this time, at step 3 referring to I. B, once gone to the Body Parameters section, you need to create a 3 new parameters:

‍➔ The person’s last name (enter "lastname" in the Name field and his last name in the Value field),

➔ His first name (enter "firstname" in the Name field, and his first name in the Value field)

➔ His domain/company (enter "domainOrCompany" in the Name field and his domain/company in the Value field).

Once executed, if you return to your application : https://app.icypeas.com/bo/singlesearch?task=email-search  , you can find your results on your Search History.‍

IV. Batch Processing of Emails (Bulk Search)

Import this .json file :

Or copy this template :  

Here, this workflow reads a Google Sheet file and extracts information from it.

The file must contain three columns with the following names: firstname, lastname, company.

If these names are not respected, the workflow will not function properly.‍

Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:

A. The « Code » node for managing authentication is similar to the one used in the single search. The difference lies in retrieving the information from the file to send it to the API. We recommend referring to I. A. for retrieving the authentication data and then placing them where required, as indicated in the following image:‍

‍B. Finally, the « Run bulk search (email-search) » node should also be modified to verify the email :‍

As explained for Single search (email verification), you will need to create the credentials in the HTTP Request node.‍

‍We invite you to refer to I. B. 2. in order to Create a new Credential. You can change the name of your bulk search if you wish (here it is called Test), the rest does not need to be changed.‍

Once all the steps are completed correctly, execute the workflow.

‍After some time, the results, which are downloadable, will be available in the Icypeas application : https://app.icypeas.com/bo/bulksearch?task=email-search , and you’ll receive the search results via email from no-reply@icypeas.com, providing you with the results of your search.‍

V. Batch Processing of domains/companies (Bulk Search)

Import this .json file :

Or copy this template :

Like before, this workflow reads a Google Sheet file and extracts information from it. The file must contain, this time, one column with the following name: company. If this name is not respected, the workflow will not function properly.

Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:

‍The nodes are very similar to the Bulk email search, so repeat all the steps from it:

A. Execute the « Code » node after authenticating yourself if needed. We recommend referring to I. A (p. 1) for retrieving the authentication data and then placing them where required.

B. Finally, the « Run bulk search (domain-search) » node needs to be executed. As explained for Single search (email verification), if you import a workflow via a JSON file, you will need to re-enter the credentials in the HTTP Request node. We invite you to refer to I. B. 2. in order to Create a new Credential. Then execute the node.After the workflow has been executed, you will receive the results of your search, see https://app.icypeas.com/bo/bulksearch?task=domain-search .‍

VI. Batch Processing of Email’s verification (Bulk Search)‍

Import this .json file :

Or copy this template :

Like before, this workflow reads a Google Sheet file and extracts information from it.

The file must contain, this time, one column with the following name: email.

If this name is not respected, the workflow will not function properly.

‍‍Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:

‍The nodes are very similar to the Bulk email search and the Bulk domain search, so repeat all the steps from it :

A. Execute the « Code » node after authenticating yourself if needed. We recommend referring to I. A. for retrieving the authentication data and then placing them where required.

B. Finally, the « Run bulk search (domain-search) » node needs to be executed. As explained for Single search (email verification), if you import a workflow via a JSON file, you will need to re-enter the credentials in the HTTP Request node. We invite you to refer to I. B. 2. in order to Create a new Credential. Then execute the node.

After the workflow has been executed, you will receive the results of your search, see https://app.icypeas.com/bo/bulksearch?task=email-verification .‍

VIII. Real-time listening and processing of search results‍‍

‍‍Import this .json file : 

Or copy this template : 

This workflow, with the webhook, allows you to retrieve the results of your searches and redirect them wherever you want.

Once the file is imported, here's what you should have on the n8n canvas:

A. The first node, « Webhook », is a webhook that needs to be referenced in the Icypeas application under the API section of the user’s profile (see documentation here).

‍When testing your workflow,

You need to copy the Test URL provided by n8n into your profile :

Then go to the user profile in the Icypeas application.
After logging in, click on the profile icon > Select Your Profile > Go to the API section > Click on the Enable API Access button, and enter the URL in the designated field like below :

When your workflow is ready

You need to copy the Production URL provided by n8n into your profile :

Then go to the user profile in the Icypeas application. After logging in, click on the profile icon > Select Your Profile > Go to the API section > Click on the Enable API Access button, and enter the URL in the designated field like below :

Notice the change “webhook” instead of webhook-test here.

Save the notification routes.

The webhook will be called by our system whenever a new result is available.

This allows for real-time notification of new results as they become available.

B. Finally, the « Set » node allows you to retrieve the relevant information from the search: name / first name / email.

C. For your information, you can manipulate this webhook as you want. For example, you can add an additional node to redirect the responses to the service of your choice, like Lemlist (https://www.lemlist.com/). Simply click on the “+” and create a lead on Lemlist:‍

The current workflow is only applicable for email-search and domain-search. An adaptation for email verification will be made very soon.